Demonstrated success in driving future product innovations and enhancing business capabilities for scalable product development.

Strategic Product Vision

Product Roadmap and Range Plans

We streamline range planning, delivering a clear strategic outline that specifies essential products, their launch timing, purposes, and market positioning. Our service combines a flexible product roadmap designed to navigate market fluctuations and innovations with strategic range plans to broaden your portfolio. This method simplifies the development journey, enhances decision-making capabilities, and ensures your product launches are strategic, well-timed, and aligned with your overall product strategy. We focus on minimum viable product and innovation management to ensure long-term success.

design company product design range plan blank sheet of paper with someone ready to start work strategy

Business Development

Our business development service offers a strategic approach to growth, incorporating a milestone process for clear progress tracking and timely completion. Budgeting and human resource planning are carefully managed for efficiency and effectiveness at every stage. We develop infrastructure to support your business needs, including compliance and reliability testing to uphold industry standards. Software requirements are meticulously addressed to equip your operations with the necessary technological tools. With precise timelines, our service streamlines the expansion process, ensuring sustainable growth and operational efficiency.

design business development and strategy shown in this image by a pink post it note with text suggesting a usability test should be performed

Case Studies

  • Ruroc’s helmet design

    Ruroc Design Team and Department Development

    Strategic enhancements played a crucial role in the facelift of the Atlas 3 helmet and cementing the companies safety credentials.

  • Gembah Business Logo

    Gembah Business and Design Department Development

    Improved output quality and developed a strategic approach to help scale the business, addressing both operational efficiencies and growth opportunities.

Let’s Work Together

We at Enki Product Development welcome you to contact us with any inquiries, ideas, or projects you have in mind. We value communication and look forward to discussing innovative solutions with you.